The Distributive Property
Step Up to 6th Grade!
(Scribing and additional exercise problems are on the green and blue handouts; all videos are accessed by clicking on the green links. Please be sure to watch the videos as often as you need to 'get it.')
Lesson: Please watch this MathAntics video as an introduction to the Distributive Property in Arithmetic (this is basic, but needs to be watched first).
Lesson: After completing the basic information on the Distributive Property in Arithmetic, you are ready to watch the Distributive Property for Algebra video.
Lesson: Please watch this MathAntics video as an introduction to the Distributive Property in Arithmetic (this is basic, but needs to be watched first).
- Scribe with Rob while he does the exercises for Distributive Property in Arithmetic (green handout).
- After completing the Scribe with Rob handout, complete the rest of the green packet. You will need to grade the handout and turn it into Mrs. Watkinson for a classwork grade (denominator will be 56; the Simplifying Expressions Two Different Ways will count as 10 problems instead of 5).
Lesson: After completing the basic information on the Distributive Property in Arithmetic, you are ready to watch the Distributive Property for Algebra video.
- Scribe with Rob on the blue handout while he does the exercises for the Distributive Property.
- Complete the remaining pages of your packet independently. You may go back and look at any videos to give you more help if you need it. You may also look for videos at Khan Academy if you still need some help (denominator will be 48 which includes the Scribe With Rob first page activity; I did not count the problems that were done as examples).